Today we were blessed at the First Baptist Church of Oswego by our 2015 Christmas program. We would like to extend a special thank you to everyone who made this morning’s service possible. It is our hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and everyone has a chance to stop and appreciate all that we have been given!
Hard to believe that Christmas is near! As you can see from the pictures, the church is decorated and we are preparing for the Christmas season. We hope that as Christmas nears you will prepare your heart as well as your home! We invite you to join us for any of our regular services (Sunday morning at 10:30 AM, Sunday evening at 6:30 PM, and Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM) and special events! If you have any questions about any of the following, please contact
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On Sunday nights our church has been reading through the purpose driven life book. Last week the lesson was on being thankful, and how we should always be grateful for the many things that God gives us. The author described how we often let envy get in the way of being thankful. He challenged us to start thanking God for the blessings He gives others when we find ourselves struggling with envy. The book went on to say that we can be envious of many things,
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November 2 – Trustee Meeting November 4 – Business Meeting November 22 – Deacons Meeting November 22 – Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving Dinner November 29 – Hanging of the Greens Birthdays and Anniversaries November 8 – Karen May November 8 – Terry and Sherry Woods November 11 – Mary Hoffman November 12 – Diane Cunningham November 16 – Bill and Sharon Jacobs November 17 – Peggy Strickland November 18 – Jack Wilson, Jason Allison, Rusty and Ashley Knight November 19 – Jimmy Addis, Peggy Stapleton, Ron and Chris
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This Friday, October 23 is our last Fifth Quarter for the 2015 football season. As always, there will be food, fun, and fellowship at the First Baptist Church following the Oswego High School football game. All middle school and high school youth are invited to attend. Thank you so much to all of you who provide food and supervision to make this happen!
This Sunday, October 25 is Pastor appreciation day at the First Baptist Church in Oswego, Kansas. Pastor Roger Daniels has stated that he would like nothing more than to see everyone show up for church on the same day. Please plan to attend our Sunday morning worship service at 10:40 AM. Everyone is invited to join us for a covered dish dinner following the service.
In conjunction with the Oswego high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes, our youth will be going to the Southeast Kansas FCA rally on Saturday evening. We will leave about 5 PM from the high school and return around 10 PM. If you are interested in going, please get a hold of Jim or Yonnie Irwin.
Anyone wanting to make a donation to Bible Sticks for Soldiers may make any amount of donation. Each stick is $25.00. Mark your donation Bible Sticks and place in offering plate.
Meetings: October 5 Trustee Meeting October 7 Business Meeting October 25 Deacons Meeting Birthdays and Anniversaries: October 1 Tom and Celia Simmons October 3 Delores Lacey October 4 Beckie Chapman October 4 Randy Collins October 4 Ava Harmon October 5 Dixie Hayward October 6 Jeff Dean October 8 Tom Simmons October 9 Will Daniels October 9 Gabriel George October 11 Kevin a d Janna Olson October 11 Braxton George October 18 Barbara Goodnight October 18 Joyce Wylie October 21 Raymond and Betty Smith October 22
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We were notified by the Pacesetters that the church they were going to in Topeka cancelled on them, which means they will not be in Oswego Saturday evening. If you know of anyone planning to attend that might not get the message please let them know…