March 2020 Calendar

March  4  Business Meeting  6:30March  7  Mens Breakfast    7:30March  9  Ladies Group  6:30March  18 Free Supper  5:30March  22 Youth Spring BanquetMarch 29  5th Sunday Lunch Birth and AnniversariesMarch  2  Bill and Mary HoffmanMarch  3  Lorene BranninMarch  5  Lyn KirkMarch  7  Dorothy WahlMarch 11  Sherry WoodsMarch 13  Cheryl LewisMarch 15  Cindy SparlinMarch 17 Marvin WahlMarch 20 Dan ChapmanMarch 20 Trystan NesbittMarch 25 Lori and Mark DavisMarch 27 Celia SimmonsMarch 27 Easton DeanMarch 28 Tony and Jane HaywardMarch 29 Lori DavisMarch 29 Albert Strickland

February 2020 Calendar

Feb 1  Men’s Breakfast  7:30Feb 2  Super Bowl PartyFeb 5 Business Meeting  6 30Feb 10  Ladies Group  6:30Feb 15 Free Supper 5:30-7Feb 23 Deacons MeetingFeb. 26 FCA Birthdays and AnniversariesFebruary.  2  Jan JabbenFebruary.  2.  Angie SpencerFebruary.  2.  Eli TaylorFebruary.  3.  Pat BakerFebruary.  5.  Doris HaneyFebruary.  5.  Kesslen NesbittFebruary.  7.  Ryann SheddrickFebruary.  8.  Darrell and Kathy GeorgeFebruary.  11. Yonnie IrwinFebruary.  12. Steve and Cheryl LewisFebruary. 13. Kevin SheddrickFebruary.  21. Hunter Stapleton

January 2020 Calendar

January 4- Men’s Breakfast 7:30am January 8- Business Meeting 6:30pm January 13- Ladies Group 6:30pm January 15- Free Supper 5:30pm January 26- Deacons Meeting Birthdays and Anniversaries January 6- Doris and Marvin Haney January 10- Bailee Irwin January 16- Dorothy Jacobs January 17- Bill Hoffman January 17- Madison Sheddrick January 18- Nicole Allison January 19- Russ Addis January 20- Russ and Barb Addis January 20- Macey Allison January 22- Bryan May January 28- Pastor Jim and Yonnie Irwin

December 2019 Calendar

December 1   Hanging of the Greens/Snack foods. 5:00December 4   Christmas Parade.                           (Church will have a float and will be a church project)December 7   Men’s Breakfast 7:30December 8   Annual Business Meeting 5:00December 9   Ladies Group 6:30December 11 Bible Study 6:30December 18 Bible Study 6:30December 22 Deacons MeetingDecember 24   Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 6:00 Birthday and AnniversariesDecember 1   Marge NallyDecember 1   Carol StricklandDecember 5   Peyton DavisDecember 7   Jeff and Cindy DeanDecember 10 Tom HaywardDecember 12 Albert and Peggy StricklandDecember 15 Bryan and Karen MayDecember 16 Jaymie NesbittDecember Continue reading →

Devotion: New Year’s Eve

Dec 31   Strengths Maybe this year… we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential.” ― Ellen Goodman “…put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator.” Colossians 3:10 Make a list of some of your strengths.

Ready for Sunday?

Last week I challenged you to make a daily list of three things for what you are grateful for the day.  Here are my three from yesterday.  Opportunity to visit with my brother about memories from our childhood. Since there are only two of us left in the family, those memories in common are precious. Everyone who travelled were kept safe. Delighted to hear from my nephew who will finish missionary training in May. His enthusiasm for his future position is contagious. Really, keeping your Continue reading →

Sunday’s Coming

From Rick’s keyboard…Sunday is just around the corner…the week goes fast!  Do you remember when…the car dimmer switch was on the floor? …Milk was delivered to your house, not pizza?  Sermon is about remembering what God has done for us and living thanksgiving. (Psalms 103 if you want a hint) Good group out Wed night…we had Echoes of Sunday’s sermon, studied Ps 121, had a praise time, and meditation time with Psalms 23. (And done in less than an hour.) What have I been up Continue reading →

What A Week!

At Trunk or Treat our kids served over 500! Thats a lot of people. Today I enjoyed the festivities of the 2017 Duck Hunt. Hunters got off a few shots and we came back to the church for lunch. The dog –Hank–gave a good message! And there were lots of drawing prizes for kids and adults alike! Looking forward to worshipping with you tomorrow. There is a lot of brokenness in this world, parents/kids, divorces, business partnerships, nations against nations, what are we supposed to Continue reading →

Food Pantry

The First Baptist Church of Oswego would like to remind everyone that they have an active food pantry. Anyone with a desire to donate to this ministry, or anyone who knows of a family in need should contact one of the following people: Alice Davis Lori Davis – (620) 423-7599 Lorene Brannin – (620) 423-4226 [email protected]  

Summertime at FBC

Summertime has been busy at the First Baptist Church in Oswego. We have had baby dedications, baptisms, vacation Bible school, a fish fry, and our new youth group leaders (Jim & Yonnie Irwin) have taken over. God is at work and here are just a few pictures!