Prayer Explosion!

Prayer Explosion! This last week we have been praying for our entire church membership! Be on the look out for special “God sightings” in your life. Know that you have been prayed for! God, thank you for the faithfulness of your people in praying for each other. We know that every good and precious gift comes from you. May together we enjoy the blessings in store for us. Thank you!

March 2018 Calendar

March 7 – Business Meeting 6:30pm March 13 – Ladies Group 7:00pm March 25 – Deacons Meeting – After Morning Worship Birthdays & Anniversaries March 2 – Bill & Mary Hoffman (A) March 3 – Lorene Brannin (B) March 5 – Lyn Kirk (B) March 11 – Sherry Woods (B) March 13 – Cheryl Lewis (B) March 15 – Cindy Sparlin (B) March 20 – Dan Chapman (B) March 20 – Tristan Nesbitt (B) March 25 – Lori & Mark Davis (A) March 27 – Continue reading →

Experiencing God- The End Is Near

For those of you who have been going through The Experiencing God study with us on Sunday nights, the end is near! Only two more weeks and we will finish the study. Pastor Rick and Kevin have been doing some thinking about what we will do next and we are considering doing a six-week study on leadership. More information will come soon! As we finish this study we are going to be talking about the seven realities of experiencing God. Please take a few minutes Continue reading →

February 2018 Calendar

February 7- Business meeting February 13- Ladies Group February 25-Deacons meeting   Birthdays and Anniversaries February 2- Angie Spencer February 2-Jan Jabben February 2-Eli Taylor February 3- Pat Baker February 5- Doris Haney February 5- Kesslin Nesbitt February 8- Darrell and Kathy George February 11- Yonnie Irwin February 13- Steve and Cheryl Lewis February 20- Kristine Kelley February 23- Carolyn Allen

Devotion: New Year’s Eve

Dec 31   Strengths Maybe this year… we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential.” ― Ellen Goodman “…put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator.” Colossians 3:10 Make a list of some of your strengths.

January 2018 Calendar

Meetings January 3 – Business Meeting January 6 -Deacon Ordination (Jim Irwin) January 9 – Ladies Group January 28 – Deacons Meeting Birthdays and Anniversaries January 6 – Doris and Marvin Haney January 10 – Bailee Irwin January 10 – Sharon Schreppel January 16 -Dorothy Jacobs January 17 – Bill Hoffman January 18 – Nicole Allison January 19 – Russ Addis January 20 – Russ and Barbara Addis January 20 – Macey Allison January 22 – Brian May January 22 – Mark O’Daniel January 28 Continue reading →

Ready for Sunday?

Last week I challenged you to make a daily list of three things for what you are grateful for the day.  Here are my three from yesterday.  Opportunity to visit with my brother about memories from our childhood. Since there are only two of us left in the family, those memories in common are precious. Everyone who travelled were kept safe. Delighted to hear from my nephew who will finish missionary training in May. His enthusiasm for his future position is contagious. Really, keeping your Continue reading →

December 2017 Calendar

December 3 – Hanging of the Greens 5:00pm – Finger foods December 6 – Christmas parade December 10 – Annual Business Meeting 5:30pm – Soup and Sandwiches December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Birthdays and Anniversaries December 1 – Marge Nally December 5 – Peyton Davis December 7 – Jeff and Cindy Dean December 8 – Jonathan Coltrain December 10 – Tom Hayward December 12 – Albert and Peggy Strickland December 15 – Brian and Karen May December 16 – Jaymie Nesbitt December 18 Continue reading →

Sunday’s Coming

From Rick’s keyboard…Sunday is just around the corner…the week goes fast!  Do you remember when…the car dimmer switch was on the floor? …Milk was delivered to your house, not pizza?  Sermon is about remembering what God has done for us and living thanksgiving. (Psalms 103 if you want a hint) Good group out Wed night…we had Echoes of Sunday’s sermon, studied Ps 121, had a praise time, and meditation time with Psalms 23. (And done in less than an hour.) What have I been up Continue reading →