It’s Friday but Sunday is coming! As we gather Sunday at FBC Oswego, I will be teaching on “Making the Most of Every Opportunity.” We will study Col 4:2-6, Ephe 5:15. You can read Phil 1:12-18 for additional study. Last week’s chicken noodle dinner by First Methodist tasted great. Even better was the conversation at the table. Today Danny took me to the Vets Recognition at the High School and I had the opportunity to meet several new people. By the way Nancy and I
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The Oswego Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held Sunday, November 12 at 6 PM. The entire community is invited to this meal. This event is sponsored by the Oswego Churches with assistance from Diamond Coach and the Oswego Community Hospital. It will be held at the Oswego Community Center and attendees are invited to bring a canned food item for the Food Bank.
At Trunk or Treat our kids served over 500! Thats a lot of people. Today I enjoyed the festivities of the 2017 Duck Hunt. Hunters got off a few shots and we came back to the church for lunch. The dog –Hank–gave a good message! And there were lots of drawing prizes for kids and adults alike! Looking forward to worshipping with you tomorrow. There is a lot of brokenness in this world, parents/kids, divorces, business partnerships, nations against nations, what are we supposed to
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“If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” Abraham Lincoln “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”Ephesians 4:32 Today look for the good in people you meet.
November 1 – Business Meeting 6:30pm November 4 – Youth Waterfowl Hunt 5:30am November 12 – Community Thanksgiving Dinner at The Community Center 6:00pm November 14 – Ladies Group 7:00pm Birthdays and Anniversaries November 7 – Karen May November 7 – Terry and Sherry Woods November 11 – Mary Hoffman November 17 – Peggy Strickland November 18 – Jack Wilson November 18 – Jason Allison November 19 – Jimmy Addis November 19 – Peggy Stapleton November 19 – Ron and Chris Sheddrick November 25 –
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If you have been thinking about attending church somewhere, but you just needed a sign, try following this one. The First Baptist Church in Oswego, Kansas invites you to join us Sunday morning for worship service at 10:40 AM. We are also having a potluck dinner immediately following service. All members, friends, and visitors are welcome.
October 13 -5th Quarter after football game October 15 – Potluck Lunch after Worship Service October 31 – Youth Trunk or Treat The youth group are going to hand out juice boxes at trunk or Treat. If you would rather have the youth do your shopping contact Jim or Yonnie. Birthdays and Anniversaries October 1 – Tom and Celia Simmons October 3 –
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It’s Official! Pastor Rick Qualls of Chanute, Kansas, will be our interim pastor starting Sunday, October 8, 2017. We want to invite everyone to join us for Sunday morning worship service at 10:40 AM. We also encourage you to check out the website featuring his book, Bright Spots in the Darkness. Pastor Rick, as well as his wife Nancy, will be a blessing to our church and to our community, so please join us Sunday morning.
September 6 Business meeting September 15 5th Quarter September 24 Deacons meeting Birthdays and Anniversaries September 1 Ty and Nikki Lewis September 3 Faith Mitchell September 3 Jaxson Cowen September 7 Korlin Nesbitt September 8 Buddy Tomlinson September 9 Harvey Kistler September 14 Ashley Knight September 20 Steve Lewis September 22 Emma Coltrain September 22 Colby Pease September 28 Randy and Carolyn Allen
Special Events and Meetings July 5 -Business Meeting July 18-21 Vacation Bible School July 23 Deacons Meeting Birthdays and Anniversaries July 2- Delaney Davis July 5- Darrell George July 6- Raymond Smith July 7- Liz O’Daniel July 8- Jason and Nicole Allison July 8- Josh Coltrain July 8- Al Wimp July 9- Chad and Lela Mustain July 10- Darton Spencer July 10-Kass Lewis July 10- Brody Allison July 11- Marla Cook July 14- Grace Coltrain July 14- Kaysha O’Daniel July 15- Colby Collins July 16-
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