Hanging of the Greens 2014

Each year we decorate the sanctuary for Christmas here at the First Baptist Church in Oswego. This year, like the ones before, we had a great time decorating and shared some snacks afterwards. Here are a few pictures from the evening. If you are searching for a church home, Christmas would be a great time to join us!

A Reason To Be Thankful

As he old cliché goes, “it only seems like yesterday” that our family was gathered around the dining room table at my mom and dad’s home, celebrating Thanksgiving. Going home is always a very special time for me as all of Tish’s family loads up to make the beautiful journey to the foothills of Missouri. This is where I grew up along with my brother and sister; and yes I was the baby by almost 10 years. The drive there in many ways is the Continue reading →

Youth Duck Hunt – 2014

The first Baptist Church of Oswego held its annual youth duck hunt on Saturday, November 1. Around 30 young people attended, as well as about 20 volunteers. Special thanks to everyone who attended, volunteered, donated, and prayed.  

Thanksgiving Meal

The Oswego Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving Meal will be held on November 23 at 6 PM at the Oswego Community Center. Our church has been asked to furnish the desserts for this event. We also need some volunteers at the Community Center to help set up the tables and also take them down following the meal. Admission to this event is a can of vegetables. If you can help with any of the above, please contact Lorene Brannin.

Potato Bake

We will be hosting a potato bake on November 1 at the Oswego Community Center. All proceeds from this event go to the kitchen fund. We need volunteers to furnish potato toppings.

Youth Hayride

The First Baptist Church of Oswego will be having a HAYRIDE for the SWORD Youth Group October 25th at 5:30. Meet at the church, invite your friends. We will return to the church by 9pm. For more information contact our Youth Director, Kelly Vance at 620-717-3615.