
easterAmen, I really wonder if this is how Moses felt when he returned from the mountain? After all, for us today, the bunny is a much prettier picture than a bloody cross. Only satan can get away with twisting Gods creation to imply a bunny lays an egg or the egg represents the new birth…….my friends, the last time I checked, nothing even comes close to the cross and the resurrection. I wonder how God feels when we try to draw people to the cross with paganism! It’s time we as Gods people let the cross be the cross and let God be God.

If you want to know Him in the fullness of the resurrection and see Him as He is….the same yesterday, today, and forever… Victorious over death, hell and the grave… Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, come worship with us at the FBC Church @10:40am in Oswego KS this Sunday. Pastor D