
Amen, I really wonder if this is how Moses felt when he returned from the mountain? After all, for us today, the bunny is a much prettier picture than a bloody cross. Only satan can get away with twisting Gods creation to imply a bunny lays an egg or the egg represents the new birth…….my friends, the last time I checked, nothing even comes close to the cross and the resurrection. I wonder how God feels when we try to draw people to the cross Continue reading →

March Calendar

God is at work at the First Baptist Church of Oswego, Kansas. Come join us for our regularly scheduled services every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. We would love for you to be part of our family!   Birthday and Anniversaries March 2 Bill and Mary Hoffman March 5 Lyn Kirk March 11 Sherry Woods March 12 Misti Blair March 13 Cheryl Lewis March 15 Cindy Sparlin March 20 Dan Chapman March 20 Tristan Nesbitt March 22 Jim and Darlene Addis March 25 Lori Continue reading →

February 2016 Important Dates

Birthdays & Anniversaries February 2 – Angie Spencer February 2 – Jan Jabben February 3 – Pat Baker February 3 – Maddox Harmon February 5 – Doris Haney February 5 – Kesslen Nesbitt February 8 – Darrell & Kathy George February 11 – Yonnie Irwin February 12 – Steve & Cheryl Lewis February 15 – Kaci Trotter February 20 – Kristine Hayward February 22 – Georgia Mosler February 23 – Carolyn Allen February 28 – Chad Mustain Dates to remember February 1 – Trustee Meeting Continue reading →

Valentine’s Dinner

Our youth group will be having a Valentine’s dinner again this year as a fundraiser. This year’s date will be February 20. Please mark your calendars to attend! If you know for sure you’re going to be there, please let one of the youth know or one of our youth leaders.

Experiencing God

At the First Baptist Church in Oswego we have started a study called, “Experiencing God.” Our focus is getting to know God so that we can do His will. We meet each Sunday night at 6:30 PM, just in case you would like to join us. I’m going to try and post something each week from our study, and this morning I wanted to begin by sharing this quick excerpt. I hope you find it encouraging today! Thanks, Kevin & Roger ————– One of the most powerful Continue reading →

January 2016 Important Dates

Upcoming meetings January 4  Trustee Meeting  5:30 January 6    Business Meeting 6:30 January 12  Ladies Group January 24  Deacons Meeting after church Birthdays and Anniversaries January 2.  Paul Fisher January 6.  Doris and Marvin Haney January 10 Bailee Irwin January 13 Kelsey Daniels January 16 Dorothy Jacobs January 17 Bill Hoffmann January 18 Nicole Allison January 20 Macey Allison January 21 Chris Duke January 22 Brian May January 22 Mark O’Daniel January 28 Jim and Yonnie Irwin January 29 Josh Daniels January 31 Nathan Continue reading →

Christmas Program 2015

Today we were blessed at the First Baptist Church of Oswego by our 2015 Christmas program. We would like to extend a special thank you to everyone who made this morning’s service possible. It is our hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and everyone has a chance to stop and appreciate all that we have been given!

December Calendar for Oswego First Baptist Church

Hard to believe that Christmas is near! As you can see from the pictures, the church is decorated and we are preparing for the Christmas season. We hope that as Christmas nears you will prepare your heart as well as your home! We invite you to join us for any of our regular services (Sunday morning at 10:30 AM, Sunday evening at 6:30 PM, and Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM) and special events! If you have any questions about any of the following, please contact Continue reading →

Thanksgiving Challenge

On Sunday nights our church has been reading through the purpose driven life book. Last week the lesson was on being thankful, and how we should always be grateful for the many things that God gives us. The author described how we often let envy get in the way of being thankful. He challenged us to start thanking God for the blessings He gives others when we find ourselves struggling with envy. The book went on to say that we can be envious of many things, Continue reading →

November Calendar

November 2 – Trustee Meeting November 4 – Business Meeting November 22 – Deacons Meeting November 22 – Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving Dinner November 29 – Hanging of the Greens Birthdays and Anniversaries November 8 – Karen May November 8 – Terry and Sherry Woods November 11 – Mary Hoffman November 12 – Diane Cunningham November 16 – Bill and Sharon Jacobs November 17 – Peggy Strickland November 18 – Jack Wilson, Jason Allison, Rusty and Ashley Knight November 19 – Jimmy Addis, Peggy Stapleton, Ron and Chris Continue reading →