November 2020 Calendar

November  4      Business meetingNovember 22      Deacon and Trustee meeting after AM serviceNovember 25      NO  Bible studyNovember 29      Hanging of Greens Birthdays and anniversaries November    7  Karen MayNovember    7  Terry and Sherry WoodsNovember    9  Pam GreenNovember  11  Mary HoffmanNovember  17  Peggy StricklandNovember  18  Jason AllisonNovember  19  Peggy StapletonNovember  19  Jimmy AddisNovember  25  Lakin TaylorNovember  26  Alice Davis

October 2020 Calendar

October  7 –  Business meeting  6:30October 25 –  Deacon’s Meeting Pastor Jim & Yonnie  will be in vacation October 12-18 Birthdays & AnniversariesOctober  1 – Tom  and Celia SimmonsOctober  4 –  Beckie  ChapmanOctober  4 –  Randy CollinsOctober  5 –  Dixie HaywardOctober  6 –  Jeff DeanOctober  8 –  Tom SimmonsOctober  9 –  Gabe GeorgeOctober 11 –  Kevin & Janna OlsonOctober 18 –  Barbara GoodnightOctober 22 –  Patricia ThompsonOctober 28 –  Edna McCulleyOctober 31 –  Adrianna York

September 2020 Calendar

September  2- Business MeetingSeptember  27- Deacon’s Meeting Birthdays and AnniversariesSeptember  1- Ty and Nikki LewisSeptember  3- Jaxson CowenSeptember  5- Marvin and Dorothy WahlSeptember 20- Steve LewisSeptember 27- Melissa Lynch

June 2020 Calendar

**Sunday morning services will resume on June 7. June  1  Angie and Dustin SpencerJune  4  Ruth WoolmanJune  5  Tom WalkerJune  13 Drake SheddrickJune  15 Marsha CollinsJune  15 Jan KirkJune  15 Rochelle SheddrickJune  23 Robin and Jerry Reynolds June  3  6:30  Business MeetingJune 28          Deacons Meeting

May 2020 Calendar

May  3  Don MourningMay  4  Kevin and Rochelle SheddrickMay 15 Chester and Peggy StapletonMay 17 Cindy DeanMay 17 Tom  and Margaret WalkerMay 18 Jimmy GeorgeMay 20 Hazel WoolmanMay 22 Ivan TaylorMay 28 Chester StapletonMay 29 Ivan and Lakin TaylorMay 31 Dan  and Beckie Chapman

Church Pianist Needed

The First Baptist Church in Oswego, Kansas, is looking for a pianist to play for Sunday morning worship service.  The hours would be approximately 9 AM to 12 Noon.  The salary is negotiable.  If interested, please contact either Jan Jabben at 620-778-0149 or Cheryl Lewis at 620-778-5788.

March 2020 Calendar

March  4  Business Meeting  6:30March  7  Mens Breakfast    7:30March  9  Ladies Group  6:30March  18 Free Supper  5:30March  22 Youth Spring BanquetMarch 29  5th Sunday Lunch Birth and AnniversariesMarch  2  Bill and Mary HoffmanMarch  3  Lorene BranninMarch  5  Lyn KirkMarch  7  Dorothy WahlMarch 11  Sherry WoodsMarch 13  Cheryl LewisMarch 15  Cindy SparlinMarch 17 Marvin WahlMarch 20 Dan ChapmanMarch 20 Trystan NesbittMarch 25 Lori and Mark DavisMarch 27 Celia SimmonsMarch 27 Easton DeanMarch 28 Tony and Jane HaywardMarch 29 Lori DavisMarch 29 Albert Strickland

February 2020 Calendar

Feb 1  Men’s Breakfast  7:30Feb 2  Super Bowl PartyFeb 5 Business Meeting  6 30Feb 10  Ladies Group  6:30Feb 15 Free Supper 5:30-7Feb 23 Deacons MeetingFeb. 26 FCA Birthdays and AnniversariesFebruary.  2  Jan JabbenFebruary.  2.  Angie SpencerFebruary.  2.  Eli TaylorFebruary.  3.  Pat BakerFebruary.  5.  Doris HaneyFebruary.  5.  Kesslen NesbittFebruary.  7.  Ryann SheddrickFebruary.  8.  Darrell and Kathy GeorgeFebruary.  11. Yonnie IrwinFebruary.  12. Steve and Cheryl LewisFebruary. 13. Kevin SheddrickFebruary.  21. Hunter Stapleton